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Showing posts from March, 2009

Wally World Woes

I'll admit, although I try to do the shop locally thing, I shop at Wal Mart. I'm seriously considering changing that in lieu of my past 3 visits. Yes, in all 3 of my past visits, I have been unpleasantly surprised. Visit 1 Location: Spencer, Iowa I entered the store at 13 hundred hours on a Saturday. After strictly following the predetermined shopping list, and having 1 full cart, 1 shirt with juice spilled on it, and 1 screaming almost 2 year old, I found the nearest open checkout lane. I began attempting to unload my cart, whilst attempting to keep said almost 2 year old in the cart and putting all the candy bars back into their respective boxes after said 2 year old pulled them out. After emptying nearly all of my cart, I realized the checker had yet to start scanning any of my items. I looked at her with one of those, "um, and you're waiting because" stares when she promptly replied "You put the things on my belt in the wrong order." Up until ...

Why Didn't I Think of That?

1) A coin-operated self-service dog-washing machine ("self" meaning the dog's owner, not the dog) has been introduced in a half-dozen carwashes in the United States recently, at $10 for 10 minutes, according to a January report on one such franchise in Stuart, Fla. The "K9000" is a 3-foot-high, walk-in shower area (or push-in, for reluctant dogs) with an open top, has six separate wash cycles, conditioner and flea-and-tick options, and adjustable water pressure and dryer settings. 2) At Mannerspielplatz ("Men's Playground") near Kassel, Germany, testosterone-fueled office workers can get in touch with their "inner ditchdigger" (according to a January Wired magazine report) and frolic all day long on 29-ton backhoes, 32-ton front-end loaders, jackhammers and various other big, loud vehicles for an admission fee of about $280 a day. At the Men's Playground, the owner said, "We fulfill men's dreams." 3) Change We Can Believ...

This post is for Jeremiah

Jeremiah, here is your blog post. I am sans new material, as I am currently basking in the sun (ok, well not as we speak since it's dark out, but I was, and will continue to tomorrow) in the state of QR on the island of Cozumel, in the country of Mexico. The next 6 days will entail much Corona, with equal amounts of ocean, sunshine, snorkeling, and food. I was sans new material to this point because I was slaving away at work attempting to get caught up so I could spend a week doing the aforementioned fantastic things. Just to make you feel a little better about not being here with me, I promise to do the following: 1) I promise to think about you for at least 1 second per beer I consume. In which case, you're pretty much all I'll be thinking about whilst I am here. 2) I promise to snicker a little bit as I get tan thinking about how if it were you in the sun all day, you would probably resemble a lobster. 3) I promise not to promise any carnivorous water dwelling animals...