Maybe I am just a bitch, but I find myself increasingly annoyed by well, lots of things. 1) When people are using the microwave, and then stop it with 1 second left. One second is not going to overcook your food. Or infiltrate it with any more toxic microwaves than the food has already been subjected to. If you do not like the beep, at least push clear or stop so you can see the time again. I hate it when it is 1 second o'clock. 2) When people act like their car is so flipping nice that they must take up more than one parking space. You are not cool. I want to key your car just because you think you are cool and took up two spots. In fact, your car is in more danger of being damaged by me than it would have been had you parked normal and heaven forbid someone park in the space next to you. I also do not like it when people do park in just one space, but are too stupid to realize that the lines are meant to be a guide for where to park, and instead they park 1/2 way out into