So Jeremiah tagged me in some 15 books blog...and I'm not going to tag anyone since I'm not linking this post to facebook, and since I don't think I could even name 15 books let alone have read 15 books by choice since like 7th grade.
So here's the ones I have read:
Dean Koontz - I don't really know specifically which ones, but I've read some and I liked em. We'll just say I've read as many as it takes me to get to 15 after I write the others...
The Pilot's Wife - had to google who it was even written by - Anita Shreve
Angels and Demons - Dan Brown
On Bullshit - Henry Frankfurt - I'd read this one over and over...partially because I like to pretend I'm smart, partially because I agree, partially because I only really understand like every other word and it need to read it that many times to understand it.
Don Quijote - and yes, in Spanish
Como Agua Para Chocolate - in Spanish
La Hija del Canibal - in Spanish
Yeah, that's all I can really think of. I'm not the literary type - I mean, I'd like to be, because usually when I get into a book - I can't put it down, I just seriously have as much time to read as I do to blog...
So here's the ones I have read:
Dean Koontz - I don't really know specifically which ones, but I've read some and I liked em. We'll just say I've read as many as it takes me to get to 15 after I write the others...
The Pilot's Wife - had to google who it was even written by - Anita Shreve
Angels and Demons - Dan Brown
On Bullshit - Henry Frankfurt - I'd read this one over and over...partially because I like to pretend I'm smart, partially because I agree, partially because I only really understand like every other word and it need to read it that many times to understand it.
Don Quijote - and yes, in Spanish
Como Agua Para Chocolate - in Spanish
La Hija del Canibal - in Spanish
Yeah, that's all I can really think of. I'm not the literary type - I mean, I'd like to be, because usually when I get into a book - I can't put it down, I just seriously have as much time to read as I do to blog...
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