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I sorta failed - but that won't stop me!

Well I failed mini goal #1 - to post everyday. So it's going to just stay a mini goal!

As for #2, I sort of completed it - I bought lots of fruit and ate mostly raw for the week (except for this weekend when I was at the Lakes with the family and we ate out) so I didn't have much package waste...but I did start cleaning out cupboards and stuff in an attempt to de-clutter and had some stuff that just had to go.

And #3, yep, finally de-furred the legs...come to think of it, I'm a bit cold...

So for this week:

#1 continue de-cluttering and sell as much stuff as I can. I'm saving for a trip for my good friend Nikki's 30th birthday to Vegas. I'm hoping I can come up with all the cash using only "extra" sources of income. I also like the feeling of not storing stuff I don't need/use - especially if it's something someone else can use - it's a win win situation!

#2 keep eating mostly raw / vegetarian. I feel really energetic, my skin has been much clearer, I get to eat a lot more in quantity, which makes me mentally and phsically feel fuller and helps with the fact that I eat when I'm bored. I definately don't feel guilty eating 2 or 3 pieces of fruit - where as 2 or 3 candy bars....EEK! I've even noticed that meat doesn't sound very good...and it's so much more work to prepare!

#3 keep staying positive! I've finally begun to leave work at work...a huge accomplishment for me. this past week actually wasn't all that bad. Sure I had a lot to do, and had a lot of stress, but I've been telling myself I am only one person, and if I know I am working as hard as I can, that is all that matters! If someone is upset with me because I didn't get everything done, or didn't do it how they wanted me to, then I've been asking for their help. I delegated a number of tedious projects onto others, and found they quit hounding me and I was able to get the more important things done in a timely manner and with better quality. I still really want to be doing something else, something more important that will actually leave a lasting impact on someone's life, but I will just have to keep searching and waiting for that "thing" to come to me!

#4 learn a new song on the piano. I bought a beautiful Mason & Hamlin baby grand - one worth FAR more than I paid...and I plunk here and there, but I've forgotten many of the classical songs I used to have memorized. I did learn a Michael W. Smith song and have been playing and singing's so relaxing and makes me so happy to listen and play and sing. I've got lots of lyrics jotted down too, so I'd really like to get some music to them. I always dream about recording some of my stuff, and sometimes I feel like I'm wasting good talent by not just taking the time to do it...even if it's just for personal satisfaction.


  1. Great stuff here, Kiddo!!

    Happy you've got the work thing figured out, there is nothing more important than learning how to leave work at work.

    I'm down with the veggie thing and find your attempts at quasi-veggieheadism to be quite admirable. I am in dire need of a system that gets me to eat more veggies. So major props!

    I'm both intrigued and scared to imagine what could happen if you were left to your own devices in Las Vegas. Although I do believe it will be memorable--assuming you can remember any of it that is.

    Keep the writing coming, sporadic or not...I like it.


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